Pricing Structure

  • $150.00 per hour for single hours
  • $125 per hour for 10 hour prepaid blocks ($1250)
  • $100 per hour for 20 hour prepaid blocks ($2000)
  • $90 per hour for 50 hour prepaid blocks ($4500)

Contact IT1 Service for the Right Hardware & Software Solutions for Your Business

The IT experts at IT1 Service, LLC are ready to discuss your hardware and/or software needs, explain your options and deliver the solutions that will best serve your business needs – today, tomorrow and well into the future.

Call (720) 386-1510 or Email Us for a FREE, no obligations consultation.

For more than three decades, IT1 Service has been providing clients with responsive, client-centered service while delivering innovative, mission-critical, scalable solutions. We know that computer systems and IT support can play an integral role in shaping, operating and growing businesses. That is why we are dedicated to cultivating and maintaining strong, lasting client relationships built on a foundation of trust and excellence.

IT1 Service, LLC bills at a one (1) hour minimum, and we offer SUBSTANTIAL discounts for prepaid blocks of hours (from 10 to 50 hours), charging rates as low as $90 per hour. We are also happy to provide detailed work reports, explaining the work we have accomplished, upon request.

PC’s, and your business

Consulting and 
Computer Repair

Our offices and environments run on personal computers and workstations. These break. Whether it’s the hardware, the operating system such as Windows or IOS, or application software like Microsoft Office, sometimes these things just don’t do what we ask of them. When that happens. Call us, and we’ll resolve your problem.
Please remember that when you own your own firm or company, it is essential to focus on the things you can reasonable effect change in.  Listening to all the people who tell you the technology sky is falling will usually make you spend lots of money and time on solutions that will not beneficially affect your organization. 
Allow US to be there to offer you information, so that you can make an informed decision about what to implement and not to implement.
Connect with us
At IT1 Service we know your network is the backbone of your business, which is why we offer innovative, mission-critical solutions that provide better availability, improve efficiency, and flexible scalable systems to meet the specific needs of your business.
Contact us
1221 S. Lipan St. Denver, CO 80223
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